Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Openstack Havana ceilometer-alarm-notifier & ceilometer-alarm-evaluator services

The Ubuntu CloudArchive packages, do not create the required ceilometer-alarm-notifier & ceilometer-alarm-evaluator services, which makes using ceilometer somewhat more of a metrics collector than an actual monitoring service without these
I created a bug about this some time ago, it seems the package does not create the upstart services as it should, typically Openstack would say this is the problem of the packager owner in this case ubuntu.

Bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-archive/+bug/1267307
You have to create the upstart services manually.
this might not be the proper way to do it, but it works
Change directory to /etc/init and create the missing conf files 
# cd /etc/init
# vim ceilometer-alarm-evaluator.conf
copy and past the below in the code block
 description "ceilometer-alarm-evaluator"  
 author "Bruce Martins"  
 start on runlevel [2345]  
 stop on runlelvel [!2345]  
 chdir /var/run  
 pre-start script  
     mkdir -p /var/run/ceilometer  
     chown ceilometer:ceilometer /var/run/ceilometer  
     mkdir -p /var/lock/ceilometer  
     chown ceilometer:ceilometer /var/lock/ceilometer  
 end script  
 exec start-stop-daemon --start --chuid ceilometer --exec /usr/bin/ceilometer-alarm-evaluator  
save and then create the second file
#vim ceilometer-alarm-notifier.conf
 description "ceilometer-alarm-evaluator"  
 author "Bruce Martins"  
 start on runlevel [2345]  
 stop on runlelvel [!2345]  
 chdir /var/run  
 pre-start script  
     mkdir -p /var/run/ceilometer  
     chown ceilometer:ceilometer /var/run/ceilometer  
     mkdir -p /var/lock/ceilometer  
     chown ceilometer:ceilometer /var/lock/ceilometer  
 end script  
 exec start-stop-daemon --start --chuid ceilometer --exec /usr/bin/ceilometer-alarm-notifier  
save and exit
change the the init.d directiory
# cd /etc/init.d
create the symbolic links
# ln -s /lib/init/upstart-job ceilometer-alarm-notifier
# ln -s /lib/init/upstart-job ceilometer-alarm-evaluator
then start the services
# service ceilometer-alarm-notifier start
# service ceilometer-alarm-evaluator start

That should resolve the missing services required for ceilometer until fixed in a later patch


  1. hi bruce,
    are you deploying havana version ?
    if is it the case what about ceilometer-alarm-notification.
    many Thanks !!

    1. it is the Havana version, but ceilometer-alarm-notification isnt part of the ubuntu ceilometer package common package from what i can see.. it's there in icehouse for sure. I will dig more but please feel free to share a link with me


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